Liga Juvenil rules are derived from, but not exactly the same as, US INDOOR SOCCER RULES
For any situations not addressed by these rules, FIFA rules shall be imported to apply without conflict.
Match Points System (Similar to English Premier League):
Win = Three (3) points; Tie = One (1) point ; Loss = Zero (0) points; Forfeit (less than 5 players present) = Three (3) points to prevailing team; Zero (0) points to the No Show team
Standings / rankings are sorting by this order (first to last, as applicable):
- Points: how many total points a team has earned
- Goal differential: the number of goals scored minus the number of goals conceded
- Goals for: the total number of goals scored by a team
- Head to head result: which team won when they played against one another
- Goals against: the total number of goals scored against a team
Players totals:
The standard field player totals (with or without a goal keeper) are established by each division at a season's onset. The opposing coaches of a match may agree to play with a different number of total field players. For a refereed match, the Referee has the authority to veto the agreement of the coaches or allow it and facilitate the match accordingly.
Player transfers:
A player cannot play for more than one team in a division at any given time. However, a player can transfer from one team to another team in the same division one time during the course of a season. Therefore, after transferring to another team, the player cannot return again to the team that he transferred from.
Playoff eligibility:
For a player to be eligible to play on a given team during the playoffs, he must have played at least two regular season games with that same team.
Rule 1 - The Field Of Play
Due to structural differences among indoor soccer facilities, “The Field of Play” is not governed by standardized sizing or spacing. Field is marked as deemed appropriate by the facility.
Rule 2 - The Ball
2.1 Specifications: The dimensions and weight of the ball are that of a standard size 4 indoor for U12 and below. The ball is size 5 for above U12 and for coed.
2.2 Ball Change: The ball may not be changed except by the Referee. Referee selects the ball in the event of a dispute.
2.3 Maintenance of the Ball: The game balls are delivered to the Referee prior to each game. At the end of each Half, the ball is maintained by the Referee. Upon the game’s conclusion, the Referee returns all of the game balls to the person or team if supplied by them prior to the first playoff game.
Rule 3 - The Players
3.1 Teams: A game is played by two teams having a maximum of 20 eligible players on the Team Bench. No fewer than 5 or more than 7 players (including the goalkeeper) from each team shall occupy the field during each Half. Each team may have a Goalkeeper, having the privileges specified under these Rules.
3.2 Substitution During Play and Stoppages: Each team may substitute players freely for an unlimited number of times; provided that, players must substitute off the field to the nearest exit to them at the time of the substitution. The new player must enter from the door nearest the sitting area of their Team Bench to avoid collisions and confusion with other team substitutions.
3.3 Substitution Violations: The Referee issues a Team Penalty for having too many players on the field. Penalty will include invalidating any goal scored additional players were active in play on the field.
3.4 Player Requiring Treatment for Injury: The Referee sends any player to his Team Bench who requires treatment for injury or blood (regardless whether the blood is his own or another’s, or is on his body or uniform). This occurs at the first opportunity recognized by the Referee, whether at the game’s next stoppage or his order when (i) the injury is deemed critical, (ii) by the location of the injured player, he is likely to interfere with play, or (iii) the injured player’s team has control of the ball. Any player sent off for treatment may not reenter until fit to return and until, if applicable, the expiration of the player’s Time Penalty. The Referee shall approve any blood treatment prior to allowing the player to reenter the field. If allowed by the Referee and permitted by administrative policy, a player whose uniform is stained with blood and untreated may wear alternative clothing.
Rule 4 - The Players’ Equipment
4.1 Uniform: Players, other than Goalkeepers, wear their team’s uniform, consisting of the same color and style jersey, shorts, and socks, shin guards, and indoor footwear. Numbers appear on the back of the jersey.
4.2 Goalkeeper: The Goalkeeper wears jersey colors distinguished from all other field players and from the Referees. Other permitted equipment includes gloves and pants instead of team shorts and approved headgear. In all other respects, Rule 4.1 applies.
4.3 Dangerous Equipment: A player may not wear any jewelry or other accessory. If a player is unable to remove a necklace or ring, it should be taped to his chest or finger or ear so not to be sharp and dangerous. Casts, splints, or body braces made of a hard substance must be padded to the satisfaction of the Referee.
Rule 5 - The Referee
5.1 Referees: One (1) Referee officiates each game. The Referee may be assisted by a second floor Referee, an Assistant Referee, and a Timekeeper. So long as a Referee is on the facility compound of an assigned game, he shall execute, or delegate to other Game Officials the execution of, these Rules. The Referee may as his or her discretion consult with the Assistant Referee (if available) or Timekeeper to come to his or her decision on a matter.
5.2 Decisions of Fact and Rule: The decisions of the Referee regarding facts connected with play and interpretation of Rules are final. The Referee may change any decision prior to a Restart upon his own reconsideration.
5.3 Powers: The Referee’s power to assess penalties, and otherwise assure fair play and maintain control of a game, extends to violations of these Rules committed during play, during stoppages, and as players and other team personnel proceed to and from the field of play. This includes the power to:
- Award or Disallow a Goal: The Referee determines whether or not a goal is scored.
- Suspend or Terminate the Game: The Referee stops, suspends, or terminates the game at his discretion by reason of the elements, interference by spectators, an unsafe condition, or other justifiable cause.
- Stop the Clock: The Referee stops the Game Clock due to an unusual delay
- Prohibit Field Entry: The Referee ensures that no unauthorized person enters the field of play during a game.
- Summon Security: The Referee asks facility security guards to prevent any spectator, including team personnel, from interfering with the play of the game for: (1) Violent conduct, including tossing objects onto the field of play; (2) Foul or abusive language or behavior; or (3) Persistent unseemly behavior.
5.4 Game Report: Subject to administrative policy, the Referee files a Game Report, including information on any disciplinary action and other incident (e.g., serious injury) or circumstance occurring before, during, or after the game.
Rule 6 - The Duration of the Game
6.1 Periods: A regulation game consists of 28-minute Halves (which may be extended to 30 minutes, depending on administrative policy), subject to the following:
(a) Overtime Period and Tiebreaker: If, in a tournament or playoff, the game is tied at the end of regulation, a 10-minute “sudden-death” Overtime Period follows. If still tied at the end of the Overtime Period, a Tiebreaker takes place, as set forth in Rule 12. (b) Running Clock: Except in the case of an unusual delay, as determined by the Referee, the Game Clock counts down continuously through each Half or Overtime Period. (c) Extension of Play: Play may be extended to permit a Penalty Kick or Shootout required under Rule 10.6. (d) Clock Malfunction: If the Game Clock does not count down properly, the Referee may add or subtract time as he deems appropriate. All violations occurring during a clock malfunction are treated as if occurring while the ball is in play.
6.2 Period Intervals: There may be a 2-minute Halftime and a 1-minute intermission before any Overtime Period and Tiebreaker.
Rule 7 - The Start and Restart of Play
There appears to be an even split between facilities that employ Goal Kicks and that employ Goalkeeper Throw-Ins on defensive restarts, once the ball has crossed an end Perimeter Wall. While the Goal Kick conforms more to traditional outdoor rules and futsal, facilities having adopted the Goalkeeper Throw-In maintain that it is quicker and easier to employ and adds excitement. Both Restarts are accepted under these Rules and left to administrative policy. See Rule 7.8.
7.1 Start of Play: A “Kickoff” from the Center Mark starts play at the beginning of each Half and after every goal. The "kickoff" may also be a shot and count as a goal if scored. A Dropped Ball starts play at the beginning of any Overtime Period. Immediately prior to the Kickoff, all players remain in their respective defensive halves, and all defending players are outside of the Center Circle or at least 3 feet apart from the center point. Once the Referee signals the Kickoff, a player of the team having the Kickoff has 5 seconds to play the ball. The same player may not again play the ball until it touches another player.
7.2 First Possession and Defensive End: In accordance with administrative policy, the Referee designates the team to take the First Half Kickoff and the end of the field each team will defend.
7.3 Kickoff After Goal: Except at the end of a Half, play restarts after each goal with a Kickoff by the opposing team.
7.4 Start of Second Half: For the Start of the Second Half, the teams change defensive ends, and the Kickoff is taken by the team that did not take the First Half Kickoff.
7.5 Restarts: A “Restart” is the manner of resuming play after a goal or other stoppage. Restarts take place by either a Kickoff, Free Kick, Goalkeeper Throw-In (if applicable), or Dropped Ball, as set forth elsewhere in these Rules. The team opposing that which is responsible for the stoppage takes the Restart. Except for a Dropped Ball, the same player who takes a Restart may not again make contact with the ball until touched by another player. Other than for Kickoffs or as provided below, Restarts occur within three feet (3') from the spot of the ball at the moment of stoppage.
7.6 Free Kick: A team receives a Free Kick after stoppages other than when a Dropped Ball or Goalkeeper Throw-In is required. Before the team takes the Free Kick, the ball must be stationary. All opposing players are at least 15 feet from the spot of the Free Kick (or, if within 15 feet of the opponent’s Goal, along the Goal Line) until after the Restart. The Referee whistles the Restart for all Free Kicks taken from any circle Mark and after stoppages due to an injury, Time Penalty, or other incident within the Referee’s discretion. In the instance of a Time Penalty or ejection, the Referee whistles the Restart after the player serving the Time Penalty has sat down in the Penalty Area or the ejected person has left the area visible to the field of play. The spot of the Free Kick is that provided in Rule 7.5, except as follows: (a) Within Own Penalty Arch: A Free Kick within a player’s defensive Penalty Arch may be taken from any spot therein. All opposing players remain outside the Arch and at least 15 feet away until the ball is in play beyond the Arch. If, after the Free Kick, any player touches the ball before it has left the Penalty Arch, the Free Kick is retaken. (b) Within Opponent’s Penalty Arch: When a team is awarded a Free Kick within its opponent’s Penalty Arch, the Free Kick takes place at the opponent’s Free Kick Mark (“Top of the Arch”).
(c) Illegal Pass Back to Goalkeeper: A Free Kick occurring after an illegal pass back to the Goalkeeper (Rule 10.3) is taken at the Goalkeeper’s Free Kick Mark or 15 feet away from the top of the goalbox line.
(d) Delayed Penalty: After a Delayed Penalty (Rule11.6), the Restart is taken (i) according to the ensuing stoppage, as normally administered, or (ii) in case the defending team obtains possession of the ball during play, at the spot of the original offense. If the original offense would have resulted in a Penalty Kick or Shootout, but for the Delayed Penalty, the Restart is a Penalty Kick or Shootout (depending on administrative policy), except when the attacking team scores or commits a Foul or Carded Offense, in which cases (i) applies.
(e) Penalty Kick or Shootout: The Restart for a Penalty Kick or Shootout is taken in accordance with Rule 12.
(f) Kick-In: If the ball crosses over a length of the Perimeter Wall, a Free Kick (i.e., Kick-In) is taken from the point on the Touch Line nearest where the ball crossed over. If the ball goes out of play after touching a player substitute or other Bench personnel, who is inadvertently extending into the playing field, or if the ball exits the field through an open door of a Team Bench, the Kick-In is taken by the other team.
(g) Corner Kick: When the whole of the ball, having last touched a defending player, crosses an end of the Perimeter Wall between the Corner Flags, the opposing team takes a Free Kick from the Corner Mark, nearest to where the ball exited play.
(h) Goal Kick or Goalkeeper Throw-In: Both are permitted. See Rule 7.8.
(i) Three-Line Violation: For Three-Line Violations, the Restart is taken from the offending team’s Restart Mark.
(j) Superstructure Violation: For Superstructure Violations, the Restart is taken from the nearer Restart Mark.
7.7 Dropped Ball Restart: If neither team has clear possession of the ball at a stoppage, the Referee restarts play with a Dropped Ball. A Dropped Ball caused while the ball is inside a Penalty Arch takes place at the nearer Free Kick Mark; otherwise at the spot of stoppage. The ball is “in play” once the ball contacts the ground untouched.
7.8 Goal Kick or Goalkeeper Throw-In: Play restarts with a Goal Kick or Goalkeeper Throw-in after an attacking player has last touched the ball before crossing an end perimeter wall between the Corner Flags. The Restart is taken from any point within the Penalty Arch. Opposing players are at least 15 feet beyond the Penalty Arch until the ball is “in play.” The provisions otherwise apply as to Free Kicks and Restarts.
Rule 8 - The Ball In And Out Of Play
8.1 Ball In Play: The ball is “in play” once each Kickoff or Restart legally begins and the ball makes any discernable movement. The ball remains “in play” until a stoppage, recognized by the Referee. Stoppage for a dead ball / out of bounds ball includes the side netting (above the glass wall) and the ceiling netting.
8.2 Restarts Within Defensive Penalty Arch: For Restarts by a team within its Penalty Arch, the ball is not “in play” until the game is properly restarted and the ball is propelled beyond the Penalty Arch by the player taking the Restart.
8.3 Ball Out Of Play: The ball is “out of play” once any stoppage occurs which the Referee acknowledges or orders, whether for goals, Fouls, Time Penalties, injuries, out of bounds, Three-Line Violations, or Superstructure Violations.
8.4 Three-Line Violation: This rule is not used at LSC.
8.5 Superstructure Violation: A “Superstructure Violation” occurs when the ball contacts any part of the building above the field of play.
Rule 9 - The Method of Scoring
9.1 Goal: A team scores a goal when the whole of the ball legally passes over the Goal Line, between the Goalposts, and under the Crossbar. A goal may be scored directly from a Kickoff or Restart.
9.2 Winning Team: The team scoring the greater number of goals during a game is the winner.
9.3 Interference: No goal is allowed if an outside agent alters the path of the ball on its way over the Goal Line. In such instance, Rule 7.5 dictates the manner of Restart, except for a Penalty Kick or Shootout, in which case it is retaken.
Rule 10 - Fouls and Other Violations
While most facilities employ a “3-Card System,” utilizing a Blue Card, the traditional “2-Card System,” used
in outdoor play and futsal, remains popular. The 3-Card System equips referees with an additional tool to
control play, while the 2-Card System may be more comfortable to players and referees who shift between
outdoor and indoor. Both systems are accepted under these Rules and left to administrative policy. See Rule
10.7. LSC prefers the 3-card system that includes the Blue Card "suspension period," where the offending player must sit out of play for two minutes during which the offending team must also play less one player during such time.
10.1 Penal Fouls: A Foul, resulting in a Free Kick, is assessed to a player who commits any of the following offenses in a manner that the Referee considers careless, serious, reckless, or involving excessive force: (a) Kicking an opponent; (b) Tripping an opponent; (c) Jumping at an opponent; (d) Charging an opponent; (e) Striking or elbowing an opponent; and (f) Pushing an opponent.
A Foul also occurs if a player commits any of the following offenses: (a) Holding an opponent; (b) Handling the ball (except by the Goalkeeper within his Penalty Arch); (c) Playing in a dangerous manner; (d) Slide tackling; (e) Impeding the progress of an opponent (“Obstruction”); and (f) Preventing the Goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his hands. Should a player simultaneously commit 2 or more different Fouls, the Referee penalizes the most serious one.
10.2 Unsporting Behavior: The Referee stops play for Unsporting Behavior, resulting in a Free Kick, for the following offenses: (a) Illegal Substitution After Injury: Attempting to enter play without the required Referee consent; (b) Equipment Violation: Entering play without an ordered uniform adjustment; (c) Leverage: Using the body of a teammate to propel oneself to head the ball; (d) Encroachment: Entering the protected area of an opposing player taking a Free Kick (after initial Warning); (e) Trickery: Passing the ball back to a Goalkeeper by trickery (Rule 10.3(b)); (f) Dissent: Committing any of the following offenses, whether before, during, or after the game: (1) Referee Abuse: Words or actions directed by any player or team personnel at an official in dissent; (2) Breach of Penalty Area Decorum: Delay in entering the Penalty Area; failure to sit and remain seated in the Penalty Area after a Warning; or premature or unpermitted exit from the Penalty Area; (3) Entering the Referee Crease without the Referee’s permission; (g) Other: Behavior which, in the Referee’s discretion, does not warrant another category of penalty.
10.3 Goalkeeper Violations: For the following violations by a Goalkeeper, the opposing team receives a Free Kick: (a) Illegal Handling: Bringing the ball from outside of the Penalty Arch to his hand within it, or receiving the ball again after a Goal Kick or Goalkeeper Throw-In without the ball’s having first touched another player; (b) Pass Back: Handling the ball, having been passed deliberately and directly to him from a teammate; except that he may handle a ball which a teammate passes to him by the head, chest, or knee and without “trickery” (the use of a wall or foot to flick the ball to a head, chest, or knee before making the pass); (c) 5-Second Limit: Controlling the ball with his hand for over five (5) seconds before releasing it.
10.4 Team Violations: The Referee issues a Team Penalty for the following violations by a team or unidentified person:
(a) Leaving Team Bench: Players leave a Team Bench to join a fracas, melee, or confrontation with the opposition or a Game Official; (b) Bench Dissent: After an initial “Warning” issued to the Team Captain, one or more unidentified players from a Team Bench verbally abuse the Referee.
10.5 Advantage Rule: The Referee allows play to continue, notwithstanding the commission of an offense, when the team against which it has been committed will benefit from an existing offensive advantage. In the case of a Carded Offense, Rule 11.6 applies.
10.6 Flagrant Fouls: Either a Penalty Kick or Shootout (subject to administrative policy) is awarded for the following Fouls committed by a defender in his defensive half of the field: (a) A Foul within the Penalty Arch or Goal for which he receives a Time Penalty; (b) A Foul from behind against an attacking player, having control of the ball and one or no defensive players between himself and the Goal; and (c) Any Foul where he is the last player on his team between the attacking player with the ball and the Goal.
10.7 Blue Card Offenses (OPTIONAL): Unless otherwise provided in rules 10.8 or 10.9, the Referee issues a Blue Card for serious violations of Rule 10.1 and for: (a) Deliberate Handball: Handling the ball deliberately (or by a Goalkeeper outside of his Penalty Arch); (b) Goalkeeper Endangerment: Endangering a Goalkeeper within his Penalty Arch by sliding or charging into him, regardless whether he is in control of the ball; (c) Boarding: Propelling an opponent into the perimeter wall, whether or not intentionally; (d) Players’ Unsporting Behavior: Players’ violating Rule 10.3; and (e) Team Penalties: Violating Rule 10.4.
10.8 Cautionable Offenses: The Referee issues a Yellow Card for serious or reckless violations of Rule 10.1 and for the following (except when Rule 10.7 applies): (a) Second Blue Card: When Rule 10.7 applies, committing a second Blue Card offense shall then create a Yellow Card offense; (b) Deliberate Handball: Handling the ball deliberately (or by a Goalkeeper outside of his Penalty Arch); (c) Goalkeeper Endangerment: Endangering a Goalkeeper within his Penalty Arch by sliding or charging into him, regardless whether he is in control of the ball; (d) Boarding: Propelling an opponent into the perimeter wall, whether or not intentionally; (e) Unsporting Behavior: Violating Rule 10.3 by any team personnel; (f) Team Penalties: Violating Rule 10.4; and (g) Provoking Altercation: Making physical contact with an opponent (e.g., pushing or poking), short of fighting, as defined in Rule 10.9, or using the ball in so doing, particularly in the case of a Goalkeeper.
10.9 Ejectionable Offenses: A person receives a Red Card for violations of Rules 10.1 and 10.8, which the Referee considers violent or use of excessive force, and for: (a) Second Yellow Card: Receiving a second Yellow Card; (b) Third Time Penalty: When Rule 10.7 applies, receiving a third Time Penalty; (c) Elbowing: Intentionally elbowing an opponent above the shoulder; (d) Vicious Slide Tackling: A tackle from the side or from behind directly into one or both legs of an opponent, seriously endangering him; (e) Fighting: Striking or attempting to strike an opponent with intent to injure; (f) Leaving Team Bench: Leaving a Team Bench or Penalty Area to join a fracas, melee, or confrontation with the opposition or a Game Official; (g) Extreme Unsporting Behavior: Committing particularly despicable behavior, including: (1) Spitting at an opponent or any other person; (2) Persistent use of extremely abusive language or behavior toward a Game Official; (3) Bodily contact with a Game Official in dissent; and (4) Leaving the Penalty Area to engage in dissent.
Rule 11 - Time Penalties
11.1 Penalties for Carded Offenses: The following penalties apply to offenses for which a Card is issued (subject to further action by the Administrative Authority): (a) Blue Card (when Rule 10.7 applies): 2-minutes (i.e., in the Penalty Area) (b) Yellow Card: 2-minutes; (c) Red Card (for accumulation of Cards by player): 2-minutes (provided that the accumulation of penalties recorded at any one time may not exceed 5 minutes), plus ejection; (d) Other Red Card: 5-minutes, plus ejection.
11.2 Service of Penalties: Except as provided under Rule 11.3, a person who commits a carded offense serves the penalty. A person who receives a Red Card after the game has started may not return to the area visible to the facility, until subsequently allowed. Players serving Time Penalties proceed swiftly to their team’s Penalty Area, have their Time Penalties posted and counted down in unison with the Game Clock, and serve their Time Penalties, seated, until their expiration or the conclusion of the game, except that, if a player’s release from the Penalty Area would cause too many players to be on the field from his team (as could occur in the case of the expiration of multiple, simultaneous Time Penalties, or Time Penalties to three or more players from the same team), he is released upon the earlier of: (i) the expiration of a teammate’s Time Penalty resulting in fewer than two teammates in the Penalty Area with penalty time remaining, (ii) a stoppage, when permitted by the Referee, or (iii) the next occasion that the ball goes over the perimeter wall.
11.3 Designation of Penalty Servers: Players are designated by their teams to serve Time Penalties of their team, their Goalkeeper, non-player personnel, and of teammates who receive Red Cards. In each instance, the designated player may not already be serving a Time Penalty. Time Penalties served by designated players do not count against their personal records, but of those responsible.
11.4 Short-Handed Play: For each Time Penalty being served by a player, his team shall play with one fewer field player until its expiration; provided that a team may not have fewer than the minimum under Rule 3.1, regardless of the number serving Time Penalties. Should a player receive a Time Penalty, while two or more teammates are already in the Penalty Area, his team continues to play with the minimum while he joins his teammates in the Area.
11.5 Exceptions to Penalty Time: Under the following circumstances, Time Penalties either expire prior to their completed countdown, or have the beginning of their countdowns delayed: (a) Powerplay Goal: N/A as LSC will not do Powerplays. (b) Delayed Penalty: See Rule 11.6. (c) Multiple Penalties: If two teammates are serving Time Penalties when another teammate is penalized, his Time Penalty does not begin to count down until at least one of the teammates’ Time Penalties has expired and his Time Penalty is next to begin. (d) Release of Teammates Serving Simultaneous Time Penalties: When two or more teammates’ Time Penalties expire simultaneously, the order in which they are recorded dictates the order of their release.
(e) Simultaneous Ejections: When two simultaneous Red Cards carrying the same Time Penalties are assessed to opposing players, their Time Penalties are not served.
(f) Maximum Time Penalty: No player may receive more than 5 minutes for penalties arising at the same time on the Game Clock, irrespective of the number or nature of accumulated offenses or the fact that one or more teammates may be designated to serve such time.
(g) End of Regulation. All Time Penalties expire at the end of a Half. 11.6 Delayed Penalty: In instances where the Referee would issue a Blue Card (when Rules 10.7 applies) or a Yellow Card, but for the “Advantage Rule” (Rule 10.2), he acknowledges the offense by holding the Card above his head until the earlier to occur of the following: (a) Opponent’s Possession: The team of the offending player gains control of the ball; (b) Stoppage: The Referee stops play for any reason. Once play is stopped, the offense is recorded and assessed, as customary. In the event of a powerplay goal, Rule 11.5(a), regarding the release of a player from the Penalty Area, remains applicable.
Rule 12 - Penalty Kicks and Shootouts
While most facilities employ Shootouts for Flagrant Fouls (Rule 10.6) and Tiebreakers in Overtime (Rule 6.1(a)), Penalty Kicks, being more traditional in outdoor soccer and futsal, remain popular. Shootouts, while arguably creating more pressure, require more of the variety of skills used in regular play and are more exciting to spectators. Both are accepted under these Rules and left to Referee to decide and administer. However, LSC policy is that administration of such must be done consistently so as not to disadvantage teams in regular season or if during the season playoff.
12.1 Penalty Kick: For a Penalty Kick, other than in a Tiebreaker:
(a) All players serving Time Penalties sit in their appropriate Penalty Area. All players of the attacking team stand behind the Halfway Line and outside of the Center Circle. Players of the defending team stand behind the Halfway Line and inside of the Center Circle; (b) The ball is placed at the Free Kick Mark nearer the attacking Goal (Top of the Arch); (c) The Goalkeeper has at least one foot on his Goal Line and may not move off of it until after the Referee whistles the Penalty Kick to begin and the ball is in play; (d) Once the Referee whistles the Penalty Kick to begin, the player taking the Penalty Kick (whom the kicking team designates) has five (5) seconds to strike the ball, restarting play; (e) The player taking the Penalty Kick may not touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player.
12.2 Shootout: A Shootout proceeds the same as a Penalty Kick, except that:
(a) The ball is placed at the Restart Mark nearer the attacking Goal; (b) Any Foul committed by the Goalkeeper results in a Penalty Kick; (c) Once the Referee whistles the Shootout to begin, the ball is “in play” and the player taking the Shootout plays the ball forward using any legal manner to score (e.g., direct shot on goal, dribbling and shooting, playing the ball off of the boards, passing to a teammate, etc.); (d) Neither team may substitute until the earlier of the first 3 seconds or the next stoppage.
12.3 Tiebreaker: A Tiebreaker proceeds with Penalty Kicks or Shootouts (according to administrative policy) under Rule 12.1 or 12.2, except that: (a) The Referee designates the Goal at which both teams shoot and the team which shoots first (according to administrative policy); (b) All players, other than the player taking the shot and the defending Goalkeeper, remain within their Team Bench areas; (c) Subject to (d), both teams may have 3 shots, with players from each team kicking alternately; (d) If, at any time, a team obtains a 2-goal advantage, the Tiebreaker ceases and the winner is declared; (e) If, after both teams have taken 3 shots, neither has an advantage, the Tiebreaker continues, alternating one player at a time, until both teams have taken an equal number of shots and one team has scored when the other has not; (b) During a Tiebreaker, no player may take more than 1 shot for every set of five 5 of his team; (c) In the case of Penalty Kicks, the players taking the shots may not touch the ball a second time; (d) In the case of Shootouts: i. The player has 5 seconds to score after the Referee’s whistle; ii. Except when a goal is scored, any Foul committed by the Goalkeeper results in a Penalty Kick, to be taken by any player on the shooting team; and iii. Carded Offenses are recorded as in normal play, except there are no Time Penalties.
Rule 13 - Goalkeepers
13.1 Goalkeeper's use of body:
The goalkeeper may not use his hands to handle the ball outside of the goalkeeper's box. Such handling results in a free kick being awarded to the other team from the spot of the violation.
The body of the goalkeeper may be outside of the goalkeeper's box, but if the ball and his hands are inside of the box when they make contact / connect, then no foul occurs. Such rule is also applied for the purpose of preventing a goal.
13.2 Goal line application:
The whole ball has to pass the goal line for a goal to be scored. Any player inside the box or even inside of the goal frame and beyond the goal line can try to prevent the ball from crossing the goal line. However, a player may not hang from, climb on, or swing from any of the field components (ex. the crossbar or sidewalls) to propel parts of their body for the purpose of preventing a goal.
13.2 Goalkeeping privileges:
(a) Obstructing Goalkeeper: If a player intentionally obstructs the opposing goalkeeper in an attempt to prevent him from putting the ball into play, the referee shall award a free kick. (b) Charging Goalkeeper: In cases of body contact in the penalty area between an attacking player and the opposing goalkeeper not in possession of the ball, the referee shall stop the game if in his opinion the action of the attacking player was intentional, and award a free kick. (c) Endangering the Goalkeeper: A player who intentionally commits a foul against the goalkeeper which in the opinion of the referee, falls short of serious foul play (send-off) but nevertheless endangers the goalkeeper beyond what is considered to be the normal hazard of play shall be assessed a two (2) minute Blue Card penalty. (d) GK bouncing the ball while in possession in penalty area is permitted.
13.3 Goalkeeping restrictions:
Infractions (a), (b), and (c) shall cause the Referee to stop play and award a free kick to the opposing team as outlined below. (a) Ball Played to Goalkeeper’s Hands from Teammate: A goalkeeper is not permitted to touch the ball with his hands if it has been deliberately kicked to the goalkeeper by a teammate. A player may pass the ball to his own goalkeeper using his head or chest or knee, etc. A player may not use a deliberate trick to pass the ball (including from a free kick) to the goalkeeper with the head, chest, knee, etc. to circumvent the rule. Free kick is awarded to the opposing team at the free kick mark (top of the arc). (b) Handball Outside Penalty Area: deliberate handball violations committed by the goalkeeper outside the penalty area shall be interpreted to be "severe in nature" if, in the opinion of the referee, intentionally handles the ball to break up a promising attack or save a shot at goal outside of the penalty area regardless of the position of his body. A penalty kick will be awarded. Situations whereby the goalkeeper first handles the ball within the penalty area but his momentum carries him outside the penalty area while handling the ball shall not be deemed "severe in nature" and no penalty kick will be assessed. However, Referee, for either type of violation by the goalkeeper may also exercise discretion by issue a Blue Card carrying a two (2) minute sit-out, for which another member of the goalkeeper's team must sit out. The Coach or Captain shall decide which player sits out for the two minutes on behalf of the goalkeeper. (e) Goalkeeper Striking: If during play, the goalkeeper either intentionally strikes an opponent by throwing the ball violently at him or pushes him with the ball while holding it, the referee shall assess a Blue Card carrying a two (2) minute sit-out and or a penalty kick will be awarded. The two (2) minute sit-out penalty assessed to the goalkeeper shall not be served by the goalkeeper but rather served by a teammate (coach’s choice). (f) Goalkeeper Joining an Altercation: In situations where there is an altercation, the goalkeepers of both teams must remain in their respective penalty areas, or retreat into their respective penalty areas during such altercation. Any violation shall result in a five (5) minute misconduct non-power play penalty assessed against the offending goalkeeper. The five (5) minute misconduct penalty assessed to the goalkeeper shall not be served by the goalkeeper but rather served by a teammate (coach’s choice). Referees may assess additional penalties based on players’ participation in the altercation. (g) Goalkeeper Delay: If a goalkeeper is in possession of the ball with his hands, he must release the ball from his possession within five (5) seconds. For violation of this rule, a free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the free kick mark (top of the arc).
13.3 Penalties against the goalkeeper:
The goalkeeper will not serve any time penalty assessed to him. Any two (2) minute power play time penalty assessed to the goalkeeper, shall be served by a teammate (coach’s choice). Any five (5) minute non-power play misconduct penalty assessed to the goalkeeper, shall be served by a teammate (Coach’s choice). Note: Although the goalkeeper is not to serve his own time penalties, the time penalty violations are charged to the goalkeeper for the purpose of accumulation toward send off.