All Ages: Skill and Development Training
| $ 249 / week (full-day; half day available on request) | 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday thru Friday, and players will be grouped for optimal development
Monthly membership
| $19.00 / month
| Unlimited gym, lounging, and free RSVP play at designated times |
Pick-up play (field or panna) | $10.00 / session | Per visit / session as scheduled
High School 6v6 Team League Full Field | $750.00 / team price (10 players) $90.00 / player (if not team-paid)
| Typically 8 regular season matches and a playoff
High School 4v4 Team League Half Field
| $400.00 / team price (7 players) $70.00 / player (if not team-paid)
| Typically 8 regular season matches and a playoff